Death Race 2000 Movie Review

Leaving the summer behind, we hit the hot asphalt with David Carradine in Death Race 2000. A classic Corman production, the movie was Carradine's first work past Kung Fu. It was (blog post) also the first offer he got (blog post) after said series, which he jumped on due to fears about being "the kung fu guy" and fading into obscurity. Oh yeah..

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Zombie Dearest Movie Review

A zombie movie considered good enough that it won best horror feature at the 2010 Atlanta Underground Film Festival, but (blog post) does that make it a grand movie (blog post) overall, or action movies is it just a lifeless husk with no soul that somehow is hobbling along?Source: Zombie Dearest Movie Review - Decker Shado More Videos

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Fantasy analysis

Decker Shado Terrifier Movie Review. Art the Clown is back! Or, is... in his first outing! Depends on where you put the previous Damien Leone shorts in the hierarchy, but Terrifier is a full 90 minute romp where Art the Clown does what Art the Clown does best. No, (Scifi films lists) that is not explain his motives in the slightest.

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